`Advertiser Cost: The sum of your spend during this period (in retail)

Impressions: An impression is counted each time your ad is served

Clicks: When a user clicks on the ad

CTR (Click Through Rate): How often people click your ad after it's shown to them, which can help determine the effectiveness of your ad. Calculation  [Clicks / Impressions]

KPI (Key Performance Indicator): Aka: Conversion. When someone completes a pre-determined and desired action on your website, after viewing your ad (either by clicking on your ad or navigating to your site via other means). Adtaxi tracks up to five conversions per campaign.

Creative Preview Iframe: Creative previews will display here when they are available in the data received. Please be aware there occasionally could be a delay in the creative preview appearing in the dashboard and a "No Preview Available" message will be displayed. 

ROAS % (Return on Ad Spend): Calculation [Revenue / `Advertiser Cost]